Have Drive Safe & Save® Business questions? We’ve got answers.

Find answers to your most common Drive Safe & Save Business questions.

Drive Safe & Save Business program

Enrolling in Drive Safe & Save Business helps you effectively manage your business drivers and vehicles, build safer driving habits and optimize your business operations.

You’ll get a one-time initial participation premium reduction for each eligible vehicle you enroll and successfully pair with a Bluetooth beacon. Please talk to your State Farm® agent or explore the FAQs below for more information.

Contact your State Farm agent to get started with Drive Safe & Save Business. They’ll see which of your vehicles are eligible and begin the enrollment process for you.

The Drive Safe & Save Business app uses driving information from your business vehicles to determine your individualized premium adjustment at the next policy renewal (every six or twelve months) for all your eligible, enrolled vehicles.

With Drive Safe & Save Business, your premium adjustment may not always be a decrease in premium. It could be an increase, decrease or no premium impact.

Drive Safe & Save Business is a program for small- to medium-sized commercial-type vehicles, like cargo vans, box trucks or flatbed trucks, that are used for business operations.

Drive Safe & Save is a program for personal and private passenger-type vehicles used for business purposes, like a real estate agent’s car.

After you enroll in Drive Safe & Save Business, you will receive a username and password for the Drive Safe & Business portal, where you can use detailed trip maps, safe driving insights, and near real-time vehicle locations to manage your business drivers and vehicles.

There is no need to switch your vehicles to Drive Safe & Save Business! The Drive Safe & Save program is designed for private passenger-type vehicles, even if they are used in your business.

Your data is safe with us. We don’t sell your information. The information Drive Safe & Save Business gathers while your employees drive is temporarily stored on our secure servers.

State Farm will only share policyholder information as required by law and as stated in the State Farm Privacy Policy.

Drive Safe & Save Business mobile app

Your State Farm agent will send you a link to download the Drive Safe & Save Business app. You’ll invite your employee drivers to join by sending them a link to download the app. If you and your employee drivers are able to download the app, your phones are compatible.

Ineligible phones will see a message saying the device is not compatible. Features required for participation include:

  • Phone
  • Network
  • Location/GPS
  • Bluetooth
  • Accelerometer
  • Camera
  • Auto-focus
  • Flash
  • Gyroscope

  1. Make sure you have the Drive Safe & Save Business app downloaded.
  2. Log in to the app.
  3. After you successfully log in to the app, we’ll ship a Bluetooth beacon to the address associated with your commercial auto policy for each vehicle you’re enrolling.
  4. Complete set up by following the in-app prompts to pair a Bluetooth beacon with each vehicle listed in your app.
  5. Invite your employee drivers to join by sending them a text directly from the app.

You have 60 days to complete enrollment setup. Setup is complete when you pair the Bluetooth beacon to each vehicle in your Drive Safe & Save Business app.

If you need help with setup, check out the Mobile troubleshooting tips below.

You’ll receive your Bluetooth beacons through the mail. You’ll get one Bluetooth beacon for each vehicle you’re enrolling. All beacons will be shipped to the address associated with your commercial auto policy.

For new enrollments, your beacon(s) will automatically ship once you accept the in-app end user license agreement and ongoing SMS text consents.

For existing enrollments, a new beacon will automatically ship when you add or replace a vehicle.

You can invite your employee drivers to join by sending a text with a link to download the Drive Safe & Save Business app.

Once they download the app, you may choose to delegate pairing the vehicle’s beacon to your employee driver.

Any driver who has downloaded the Drive Safe & Save Business app can pair a beacon to any of the enrolled vehicles.

Follow the Drive Safe & Save Business in-app instructions to pair a beacon with each vehicle listed in your app.

You’ll see:

  • The leaderboard, which shows where employee drivers rank compared to other employee drivers.
  • Trip details including number of trips taken and any scored events (i.e. braking or acceleration).
  • The dashboard, which highlights an employee driver’s latest scored trip, driving streaks and driving trends.

Employee drivers will only see details of their own trips, not the trips of other drivers.

You must have the Drive Safe & Save Business app downloaded on your phone. All employee drivers who are participating in the program must also have the Drive Safe & Save Business app downloaded on their phones.

The beacon will pair with the first Drive Safe & Save Business app that enters the vehicle. A trip can be relabeled within the app if the beacon syncs with a passenger’s phone vs. the driver.

Employee drivers do not need to open the app to record a trip. Once their setup is complete, trips will record automatically with their Bluetooth on and Location preferences set to Always Allow.

Not necessarily. If employee drivers wish to limit their battery usage, they have the option to turn Bluetooth and Location services off when they’re not driving. However, it’s imperative that they turn these on before starting each trip to ensure all driving data is captured.

Leaving Bluetooth and Location on allows the app to automatically start a trip when they begin driving. Turning them off removes this functionality. If Bluetooth and Location are not on during a trip, it will not record.

The Drive Safe & Save Business app cannot record trips without Precise Location enabled because driving behaviors are measured and validated using both phone sensors and GPS.

iPhone and Android have location preference options for “Always Allow” and “While Using the App” (exact wording varies by operating system). Drive Safe & Save Business runs in the background to start, record and stop trips – employee drivers don’t need to log in or bring the app up to record trips. This means it needs to use the “Always” setting versus the “While Using the App” option.

Here's a run-down of what each setting means (exact wording varies by operating system):

Never: This feature makes it so the app can never access location for any reason at all.

While Using the App: This feature makes it so the app in question can only ever access location when it's open and in the foreground on the phone's screen. This means trips could not be recorded if the phone screen is locked or if employee drivers don’t open the Drive Safe & Save Business app and keep it open on their phone during the entire trip.

Always Allow/Allow All the Time: This feature makes it so the app in question will always have access to location services whenever it wants to, whether the app is open in the background or not. The Drive Safe & Save Business app isn't really "Always" using location services, but when it does, the app will be running in the background.

The Drive Safe & Save Business app cannot record trips without Physical Activity enabled. This setting enables trips to begin when employee drivers start driving and end when they stop driving.

A mobile data plan with mobile data enabled is required to record trips.  However, if employee drivers wish to limit their mobile data and battery usage, they have the option in the app settings to send their trip data to State Farm only when there's a Wi-Fi connection.

Keep in mind, if they do not connect to Wi-Fi, their trips will stay on their phone until they do. This could cause a delay in seeing their trips, and if their phone's memory is full, their trips may not be stored.

Contact your agent to have the new employee driver added to your policy. This will add the driver to the Drive Safe & Save Business app and portal.

You will still need to send a text invite to the added employee from your Drive Safe & Save Business app so they can join.

If an employee is no longer driving for your business, but the vehicle is still insured and enrolled in Drive Safe & Save Business, contact your State Farm agent to have the employee driver removed from your policy.

This will also remove the driver from the Drive Safe & Save Business app and portal. 

No. If an employee driver uninstalls the app, we will not be able to collect data and you will be in jeopardy of impacting your premium adjustment. At least one smartphone per car must have the app downloaded and connected to the Bluetooth beacon to qualify.

Bluetooth beacon

The Bluetooth beacon is a small device which allows for the collection of employee driving data while in the car. It stays in the car and allows their phone and the Drive Safe & Save Business app to record trips in the car automatically – no need to open the app each time they drive. This way, they know the only trips being recorded are those in the car with the Bluetooth beacon – not when they’re using public transportation, ride sharing, riding a bicycle, etc.

The Bluetooth beacon is not able to track the location of employee drivers’ vehicles since it is not equipped with GPS. The beacon uses a Bluetooth connection to pair with the Drive Safe & Save Business app, where trip information is recorded for the vehicle(s). This means Drive Safe & Save Business cannot see trip routes unless the vehicle’s policy in the Drive Safe & Save Business app is paired to the beacon. Additionally, only those with access to the Drive Safe & Save Business portal (business owners or fleet managers) are able to see trip maps for employee drivers. This is one more way we help protect privacy.

After you successfully log in to the Drive Safe & Save Business app, we’ll ship a Bluetooth beacon to the address associated with your commercial auto policy for each vehicle you’re enrolling.

Using the sticker on the back of the Bluetooth beacon to adhere to the windshield is not a requirement but is strongly recommended. We understand some local laws, vehicle sensors, or vehicle upgrades (e.g. tinting) may prevent mounting the beacon to the windshield behind the rearview mirror. If this is the case, choose another sturdy, stationary location to stick the beacon, making sure not to adhere it to a surface it may damage.

Please understand the trip data captured may be inaccurate if an employee driver chooses not to mount the beacon at all.

If the beacon is not adhered to a sturdy surface (e.g., stored in a glove box/console, fastened to a door, etc.), the accuracy of events can be impacted. Also, if there is metal between the beacon and the phone (e.g., if the beacon is inside a trunk or a metal-lined central console), the Bluetooth connection can be interrupted or weak, which impacts trip recording.

The Bluetooth beacon has an expected battery life of 3-4 years. If we detect a beacon’s battery is getting low, we will automatically send you a new one. When we do this, we’ll also send you an email with tracking information.

However, if the light does not display on the Bluetooth beacon when the button is held down for 5-8 seconds, a replacement may be needed. Contact your State Farm agent for a replacement.

Yes, the Bluetooth beacon is paired to the app, not the phone's Bluetooth settings. If an employee driver has paired the beacon to their phone's Bluetooth settings, please have them disconnect the Bluetooth beacon from their phone's settings and pair it within the app. 

Use a twisting motion to remove the beacon from the windshield. If the adhesive strip(s) pad remains stuck to the surface, try pulling up on an edge to stretch the tape. If residue remains, try using a citrus based adhesive remover.

You can then recycle the beacon anywhere that accepts lithium ion batteries for recycling.

Yes. When multiple phones linked to a beacon are in a car at the same time, only one will record the trip - the first phone to connect to the beacon.

The FCC notice is available at 41ge.zlmmc8.com/FCC.

Drive Safe & Save Business portal

The Drive Safe & Save Business portal gives you an inside look into your employee driving behaviors. Use the insights you gain from the portal to coach your team and help them build safer driving habits. 

Business owners and fleet managers have access to the Drive Safe & Save Business portal. Employee drivers do not have access to the portal.

With the Drive Safe & Save Business portal, you can view employee driving data including:

  • Near real-time vehicle location updates
  • Trip details and history
  • Route efficiency
  • Driver scores, trends and streaks
  • Driver leaderboards

The Drive Safe & Save Business portal gives you the data you need to help your employee drivers build safer driving habits. You can review their driving scores, trends and streaks with them. It’s an easy way to show employee drivers what they’re doing well and what they need to work on when they’re on the road.

Troubleshooting tips

State Farm should receive a “health” signal from the app each day, even if your employee drivers are not driving. If we don’t receive this signal for multiple consecutive days, this indicates there is an issue with the phone or app settings that needs to be rectified to record trips toward your premium adjustment.

  • First, make sure you and your employee drivers are logged in to the most recent version of the Drive Safe & Save Business app.
  • When you open the app, messages will display if you need to update any settings or permissions to allow the app to record trips in your enrolled vehicle(s) automatically.
  • If you were logged in to the most recent version, and did not have any settings or permissions update alerts in the app, you may have battery savings settings that are impacting automatic trip recording. For iOS users, this is referred to as Background App Refresh, and should be turned ON for the Drive Safe & Save app.

After making updates, the next trip your employee driver takes should appear in the app. If it does not, see the question "Why aren't employee drivers’ trips showing up accurately in the Drive Safe & Save Business app?".

For most issues, the Drive Safe & Save Business app will show messages about settings your employee drivers may need to update. If they’re not seeing any messages in the app, but their trips aren't recording as expected, have them try these tips:

  • Check for available updates in the App Store or Google Play, and ensure you’re logged in to the most recent version of the app.
  • Battery saving options on your phone may be keeping the phone from sending trips to State Farm.
    • For Android, make sure your battery saver/battery optimization is off and Drive Safe & Save Business is on the "unmonitored apps" list.
    • For iOS, make sure low power mode is not enabled and Background App Refresh is turned on for the Drive Safe & Save Business app.
  • Ensure location preference is set to "Always" or "Always Allow". Drive Safe & Save Business runs in the background to start, record, and stop trips. Settings other than "Always" or "Always Allow" will not allow the Drive Safe & Save Business app to record trips, which could impact the premium adjustment.
  • Poor Location quality impacts the phone's ability to determine speed and/or distance and can affect the trip details that are logged. If you regularly drive in a location with poor GPS signal, this may impact trip recording.
  • The trip will appear to be shorter than expected if connectivity to the Bluetooth beacon was lost because Bluetooth was turned off. Leave Bluetooth on at all times while driving.
  • Low phone battery can impact trip recording and Location quality. This can be avoided by plugging in and charging the phone while driving. Keep phone battery life above 20% at all times.
  • The battery in the Bluetooth beacon may be depleted. Check the Bluetooth beacon and make sure that the red light turns on briefly when the small white button on the front of the beacon is held down for 5-8 seconds. If not, contact your State Farm agent for a replacement.
  • The Bluetooth beacon may not be paired in the app. Log into the app and tap on the car on the Vehicles screen to see which beacon is paired to the car. You can compare the ID number on the side of the beacon to the number listed in the app.
  • If the Wi-Fi setting in the Drive Safe & Save Business app is selected, make sure you connect to Wi-Fi to send trip data. If you are not able to connect regularly to strong Wi-Fi, turn this setting off.
  • Poor cellular connection could be preventing trips from sending. If the Wi-Fi setting is not selected, try selecting it when you're connected to strong Wi-Fi to send trips.
  • If phone memory is full, the app will not be able to record trip data and temporarily store it on the phone.
  • If the app is force closed, it cannot record trips. Try opening the app again.
  • Try restarting your phone. This is like restarting a computer and allows processes to reset.

Your employee drivers’ basic driving characteristics are determined using information recorded by the Drive Safe & Save Business app. They may take a trip that the app does not capture accurately, but their basic driving characteristics can still be determined from the trips the app does capture. To get the most from your premium adjustment opportunity, ensure as many trips as possible are recorded by ensuring employee drivers bring their phones on all trips and leave Bluetooth, Location, and mobile data on.

After trying the above tips, the next trip should appear in the app. If it does not, contact us.

You can tell a Bluetooth beacon is working if the light briefly illuminates when you hold down the button for 5-8 seconds, and trips appear within the app. If the light does not illuminate, contact your State Farm agent.

Contact your State Farm agent for a replacement.

If the vehicle is not enrolled in Drive Safe & Save Business, it will not show on the app. If you feel you enrolled the vehicle, but it’s still missing, contact your State Farm agent.

Yes. If an enrolled vehicle is replaced and the replacement vehicle is selected to enroll, a new beacon will automatically be shipped to the mailing address associated with the commercial auto policy.

If an employee driver replaces their phone, they simply need to download the Drive Safe & Save Business app on their new phone and log in. Trips will then record automatically on their new phone.

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This is only a general description of coverages of the available types of business insurance and is not a statement of contract. Details of coverage, limits, or services may not be available for all business and vary in some states. All coverages are subject to the terms, provisions, exclusions, and conditions in the policy itself and in any endorsements. Contact a State Farm agent for more information and a customized quote.

State Farm (including State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company and its subsidiaries and affiliates) is not responsible for, and does not endorse or approve, either implicitly or explicitly, the content of any third party sites hyperlinked from this page. State Farm has no discretion to alter, update, or control the content on the hyperlinked, third party site. Access to third party sites is at the user's own risk, is being provided for informational purposes only and is not a solicitation to buy or sell any of the products which may be referenced on such third party sites.

State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company
State Farm Indemnity Company
State Farm Fire and Casualty Company
State Farm General Insurance Company
State Farm Life Insurance Company (Not licensed in MA, NY or WI)
State Farm Life and Accident Assurance Company (Licensed in NY and WI)
Bloomington, IL

State Farm County Mutual Insurance Company of Texas
State Farm Lloyds
Richardson, TX

State Farm Fire and Casualty Company
Tallahassee, FL