Have Drive Safe & Save® questions?
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Find answers to your most common Drive Safe & Save questions.

Drive Safe & Save to State Farm® app

You’ve told us it would be easier to have Drive Safe & Save within the State Farm app. We took this to heart and made it happen. Now, the State Farm app is your one-stop-shop for getting a safe driving discount, managing your insurance and bank accounts, getting both roadside assistance and Accident Assistance, filing a claim and more.

You can follow the link from the Drive Safe & Save app or simply open the State Farm app. From there, just log in and follow the prompts to enable the phone settings required to record your trips.

Once you’re finished, you’ll be able to see your trip and score history in the State Farm app.

To maximize your Drive Safe & Save discount opportunity, everyone on your policy should download the app, log in and accept the permissions required to have trips recorded through the State Farm app. We recommend using a State Farm user ID and password whenever possible to log in to the State Farm app, but driver’s license login is still an option. Each driver on your policy should log in using their own information.

You can set up a State Farm account any time in the State Farm app or on zlmmc8.com®

We recommend using or setting up a zlmmc8.com user ID and password to get the most benefit from the State Farm app. However, if you’re unable to set up credentials, you can still log in using your driver’s license information. If you choose to log in using your driver’s license, your State Farm app experience will be limited to Drive Safe & Save features only. Each driver on your policy should log in using their own information.

If you have trouble logging in, contact us.

The Safe & Save tab in the bottom navigation of the State Farm app will be the new home for Drive Safe & Save.

Once you switch from the Drive Safe & Save app to the State Farm app, trips from the past 30 days and 2-week driving scores will all be available to you.

No. You are no longer able to interact with or see your trips in the Drive Safe & Save app.

Once your move from the Drive Safe & Save app to the State Farm app is complete, you can uninstall the Drive Safe & Save app. Both the State Farm app and the Drive Safe & Save app will show you a message when the transition is complete.

Drive Safe & Save

Enrolling in Drive Safe & Save may help you get an auto insurance discount up to 30% based on how you drive.footnote 1 You get a discount just for enrolling!footnote 2 Please talk to your State Farm agent or explore the FAQs below for more information.

Drive Safe & Save is a discountfootnote 1 for participating customers. You’ll get a discount when you sign up, but you must complete setup to keep that discount. If your required steps are not completed before the setup window expires, your discount will be removed back to the date it was added.

After you complete setup and we have enough data to calculate your discount, the Drive Safe & Save discount is updated at each renewal based on your annual mileagefootnote 3 and basic driving characteristics.

Your discount may vary from term to term based on your actual driving, but will not add a surcharge to your policy.

If you currently receive a premium reduction for low estimated annual mileage (under 7,500 miles annually for personal use) and your car is driven more than that, your premium may increase at a future policy renewal to reflect your actual mileage.

The Drive Safe & Save discount does not take into account tickets or accidents. Drive Safe & Save collects actual milesfootnote 3 driven and basic driving characteristics to calculate the discount.

You can see your current discount amount in the State Farm app or on your Drive Safe & Save account page on zlmmc8.com®. This information will be updated at each auto policy renewal (typically every 6 months).

Your Drive Safe & Save discount includes any previous mileage-based premium reduction. If you previously received a reduction for low estimated annual mileagefootnote 3 (under 7,500 miles annually for personal use), the Drive Safe & Save discount amount will include this premium reduction. Please note that if you currently receive a premium reduction for low estimated annual mileagefootnote 3 (under 7,500 miles annually for personal use) and your car is driven more than that, your premium may increase at a future policy renewal period.

No. Drive Safe & Save is optional and is car specific. You can make the decision to enroll for each individual household car.

Drive Safe & Save emails are sent to the first named insured listed on the insurance policy for that vehicle. The first named insured is the first name listed on the insurance ID card for that vehicle. The first named insured may update their email address on file with State Farm in the State Farm app or by logging in to their zlmmc8.com account, then navigating to Communication Preferences under Profile & Preferences.

Your data is safe with us. We don't sell your information. The data we collect is used to help you create safe driving habits and may be used  to calculate the amount of your discount. In limited situations, we will share information with third parties. For more information, see the State Farm Privacy Policy.

Yes. The first named insured on the policy was previously sent an email or letter indicating the timeframe that the discount will be removed.

To keep a Drive Safe & Save discount opportunity, you must switch to Drive Safe & Save Mobile prior to the date your discount is removed. We recommend making this change as soon as possible to make the most of the discount opportunity.

Please contact your State Farm agent for more information.


Your discount is based on your annual mileagefootnote 3 and driving characteristics. The more you're on the road, the more likely an accident could occur, so HOW you drive those miles is just as important as how many miles you drivefootnote 3. To help maximize your discount opportunity, concentrate on smooth and consistent driving.

After each trip, the app shows you a map of your route and driving events along the way. While not everything the app shows you impacts your discount, the feedback all contributes toward you being the safest driver you can be.

  1. Acceleration – Starting fast off the line? The app will show you where you might have accelerated faster than is generally considered safe. Quick acceleration can make cars more difficult to control.
  2. Braking – The app will show you if you've made any fast, hard stops. We understand there are times you need to stop quickly to avoid a collision. However, making frequent fast stops is indicative of driving too fast and following too closely. Maintain a safe speed and distance to avoid collisions. Keep an eye on your braking scores to help see if this has become a habit for you.
  3. Cornering – You'll see along your route if you make any quick, sharp turns. These indicate you may have not allowed yourself proper time and clearance for the turn. For example, quickly turning left in front of oncoming traffic at an intersection.
  4. Phone Distraction – Distracted driving is a serious problem, and one of the highest predictors of accidents. It's important to keep your hands on the wheel and your eyes on the road. Phone distraction will appear in the app when these three things happen at the same time:
    • The vehicle is moving,
    • The phone recording the trip is moving within the vehicle, and
    • The phone screen is on.
  5. Speed – The app shows you when you've exceeded the speed limit by 8 miles per hour or more. We think it's important for you to understand when this happens – and how it may impact other driving characteristics, like acceleration, braking, and cornering.

First, text SAVE to 42407 to get a link to download the State Farm app in your phone’s app store. Then, download the app (Phones with operating system versions that won’t support the app won’t be able to download it).

If you’re able to download the app, log in and navigate to the Safe & Save tab. It will show a message if your phone doesn’t have the required features to record trips toward your discount.

Features required for participation include:

  • Phone
  • Network
  • Location/GPS
  • Bluetooth
  • Accelerometer
  • Camera
  • Auto-focus
  • Flash
  • Gyroscope

  1. Make sure you have the State Farm app downloaded (text SAVE to 42407 for a link to download).
  2. Log in to the app using zlmmc8.com user ID and password or your driver's license information.
  3. In certain states, you may be required to take some steps in the app to finish your enrollment. This includes accepting the consent to participate, verifying your email address, and confirming the address where you’d like your beacon mailed.
  4. When the envelope with your beacon(s) arrives, take it to the car and follow the easy setup steps in the app (while not driving, of course). This will include connecting your beacon(s) to the app and providing odometer readingsfootnote 3.

If you find you need help along the way with setup, check out the mobile troubleshooting tips below.

Each driver on your policy should log in using their own information.

While driver’s license login is available, we recommend using a State Farm user ID and password to log in when possible because the driver’s license information login is limited to Drive Safe & Save information only. You will not have access to the other benefits of the State Farm app like retrieving ID cards, paying bills, filing a claim, and more.

To see your Drive Safe & Save information, navigate to the Safe & Save tab in the State Farm app. There, you will see all cars where you are a named insured (the names you see on your insurance ID card) or additional driver listed on the auto insurance policy.

Please note, if you have recently changed cars, there may be a processing delay before your new car displays.

Named insureds on the policy can:

  • Enroll in Drive Safe & Save
  • See Drive Safe & Save discount amounts
  • Complete setup
  • View all trips for all vehicles and drivers in the past 30 days
  • See the 2-week safe driving scores for trips recorded on their phone
  • Update odometer readingsfootnote 3
  • Change the Bluetooth beacon

Additional drivers on the policy can:

  • Complete setup
  • View all trips recorded on their phone in the past 30 days
  • See 2-week safe driving scores for trips recorded on their phone
  • Update odometer readingsfootnote 3
  • Change the Bluetooth beacon

Contact your State Farm agent for car eligibility and listed driver questions.

Note: Each driver should log in using their own credentials or driver’s license information. The information displayed in the app is customized by the information used to log in.

A dynamic 14-day driving scorecard is displayed on the Safe & Save tab in the State Farm app. These scores are reflective of all the trips recorded on your device during the past 14 days. These scores are not directly related to the discount amount for individual vehicles. These scores could include trips from multiple vehicles. The driving behaviors included in the safety score are those you see in the individual trip maps.

If a score is under 100%, we encourage you to review individual trips maps to check for areas of improvement. While not everything scored in the app contributes toward the discount, safer driving can have a positive impact on your discount.

Named Insureds on the policy (the names you see on your insurance ID card) can see all trips recorded by all devices for the last 30 days. 

Additional drivers on the policy can only see trips recorded on their own device for the last 30 days. 

You must have Drive Safe & Save set up in the State Farm app on at least one phone to qualify for the discount. To get the most from your discount opportunity, each driver on the policy should download the State Farm app, log in with their own credentials, and accept the necessary permissions to record trips for Drive Safe & Save. The app will let you know what you need to do.

To get the most from your discount opportunity, each driver on the policy should download the State Farm app and log in. If someone drives your car but doesn’t have the app on their phone (e.g., not a listed driver on the policy), the trip will only record if someone from the household is also in the vehicle and logged in to the State Farm app. All recorded trips are used to calculate your discount.

For more information, see the question: Are multiple phones allowed with one car?

You do not need to open the app to record a trip. Once your setup is complete, trips will record automatically with your Bluetooth on and Location preferences set to Always Allow.

Occasionally, you might see a notification on your phone indicating a trip is recording when in range of the beacon. However, the app cannot record a trip unless the beacon remains connected to your phone and both are moving together at driving speeds.

If you are missing trips, please refer to the Troubleshooting Tips.

Not necessarily. If you wish to limit your battery usage, you have the option to turn Bluetooth and Location services off when you are not driving. However, it is imperative that you turn these on before starting each trip to ensure all driving data is captured.

Leaving your Bluetooth and Location on allows the app to automatically start a trip when your phone connects to the Bluetooth beacon and you begin driving. Turning them off removes this functionality. If your Bluetooth and Location are not on during a trip, it will not record.

Location is used in conjunction with the phone's accelerometer and other sensors to measure things like speed, turning, braking, acceleration, and miles driven. Location is also used to provide you useful maps of your trips so you can see where you may need to improve some driving habits. Remember — the safer you drive, the more you can save.

Drive Safe & Save cannot record trips without Precise Location enabled, because your driving behaviors are measured and validated using both phone sensors and GPS.

Android and iOS have location preference options for: “Always Allow" and "While Using the App” (exact wording varies by operating system). Drive Safe & Save runs in the background to start, record, and stop trips — you don’t need to log in or bring the app up to record trips. This means it needs to use the “Always” setting versus the “While Using the App” option.

Here’s a run-down of what each setting means (exact wording varies by operating system):

Never: This feature makes it so the app can never access your location for any reason.

While Using the App: This feature makes it so the app in question can only access your location when it's open and in the foreground on your phone's screen. This means trips may not be recorded if your phone screen is locked or if you don’t open the State Farm app and keep it open on your phone during the entire trip.

Always/All the Time: This feature makes it so the app in question will always have access to location services whenever it wants to, whether the app is open in the background or not. The State Farm app isn't really "Always" using your location services, but when it does, the app will be running in the background.


The State Farm app cannot record trips without Physical Activity enabled. This setting enables trips to begin when your app is paired to the beacon and you start driving. It helps the app tell the difference between things like walking, riding a bike, or driving a car.

A mobile data plan with mobile data enabled is required to record trips. When actively recording a trip, the State Farm app uses about the same amount of data as a navigation app.

The Bluetooth beacon is a small device which allows for the collection of your driving data while in your car. It stays in your car and allows your phone and the State Farm app to record trips in your car automatically — no need to open the app each time you drive. This way, you know the only trips being recorded are those in your car – not when you’re using public transportation, ride sharing, riding a bicycle, etc.

The Bluetooth beacon has an expected battery life of 3-4 years. If we detect your beacon’s battery is getting low, we will automatically send you a new one. When we do this, we’ll also send you an email with tracking information.

However, if the light does not display on the Bluetooth beacon when the button is held down for 5-8 seconds, a replacement may be needed. Just request a replacement online.

The Bluetooth beacon is not able to track the location of your vehicle since it is not equipped with GPS. The beacon uses a Bluetooth connection to pair with the State Farm app, where trip information is recorded for your vehicle(s). This means Drive Safe & Save cannot see your trip routes unless the vehicle’s policy in the State Farm app is paired to the beacon. Additionally, only named insureds listed on the policy (the names you see on your insurance ID card) are able to see trip maps for others listed on the policy. This is one more way we help protect your privacy.

In most states, the Bluetooth beacon is automatically mailed to you when you enroll. In certain states, you’ll complete the step to order a beacon in the State Farm app. Don’t worry, we’ll let you know what steps apply in your state.

Upon shipment, we will send you an email with tracking information so you can check it at any time. We’ll also let you know when it’s been delivered. The beacon will typically arrive within 10 days. Don't worry — the discount is added to your policy automatically — there's no waiting to receive that in the mail.

You can check your primary mailing address on file by logging into your zlmmc8.com account, then navigating to your Profile & Preferences. You'll have the option to make sure your mailing address for all policies and accounts is accurate.

If you don’t have your beacon when you get your first setup reminder email, just order a new one online.

Using the sticker on the back of the Bluetooth beacon to adhere to your windshield is not a requirement, but is strongly recommended. We understand some local laws, vehicle sensors, or vehicle upgrades (e.g., tinting) may prevent you from mounting the beacon to the windshield behind your rearview mirror. If this is the case, choose another sturdy, stationary location to stick the beacon, making sure not to adhere it to a surface it may damage.

If the beacon is not adhered to a sturdy surface (e.g., stored in a glove box/console, fastened to a door, etc.), the accuracy of events can be impacted. Also, if there is metal between the beacon and the phone (e.g., if the beacon is inside a trunk or a metal-lined central console), the Bluetooth connection can be interrupted or weak, which impacts trip recording.

Yes, the Bluetooth beacon is paired to the app, not your phone's Bluetooth settings. If you have paired the beacon to your phone's Bluetooth settings, please disconnect the Bluetooth beacon from your phone's settings and pair it within the app. You can contact us for assistance.

Use a twisting motion to remove the beacon from your windshield. If the adhesive strip(s) pad remains stuck to the surface, try pulling up on an edge to stretch the tape. If residue remains, try using a citrus based adhesive remover.

You can then safely dispose of the beacon anywhere that accepts electronics and/or lithium ion batteries for recycling.

Yesfootnote 3 in most states. An odometer reading is required for set up and prior to each renewal.footnote 3

In most states, you must provide an odometer reading prior to each policy renewal (typically every 6 months).footnote 3 State Farm will let you know when this action is required by sending an email to the first name listed on the insurance policy.

The easiest way to report your odometer reading is through your State Farm app.footnote 3

Yes. To get the most from your discount opportunity, each driver of your car should download the app and log in using their own credentials or driver’s license information.

When multiple phones linked to a beacon are in a car at the same time, only one will record the trip - the first phone to connect to the beacon.

You have the ability to reclassify any trip where you’re listed as the driver. Reclassifying a trip will remove the phone distraction captured in that trip from your driving score.

No. If you uninstall the app, we will not be able to collect data and you will be in jeopardy of impacting your discount. At least one phone must have the app downloaded and connected to the Bluetooth beacon to qualify.

The FCC notice is available at 41ge.zlmmc8.com/FCC.

In addition to the End User Licensing Agreement in the State Farm app, Drive Safe & Save Mobile requires your consent to participate. This consent varies slightly by state. Your state’s consent will be shown to you before you complete enrollment, then emailed to you after you enroll. You can contact your State Farm agent for a state-specific version.

Mobile troubleshooting tips

State Farm should receive a “health” signal from your app each day, even if you’re not driving. If we don’t receive this signal for multiple consecutive days, this indicates there is an issue with your phone or app settings that needs to be rectified to record trips toward your discount.

  • First, make sure you are logged in to the most recent version of the State Farm app.
  • When you open the app, messages will display if you need to update any settings or permissions to allow the app to record trips in your enrolled vehicle(s) automatically.
  • If you were logged in to the most recent version, and did not have any settings or permissions update alerts in the app, you may have battery savings settings that are impacting automatic trip recording.

After making updates, the next trip you take should appear in the app. If it doesn't, see the question "Why aren't my trips showing up accurately in the Drive Safe & Save app?".

For information on what you can see in the app, see the question "What will I see and what can I do when I'm logged into the app with my driver's license information?".

For most issues, the State Farm app will show messages about permissions or settings you may need to update. Consider turning on app notifications to get real-time updates. For more information about these settings, check out this Drive Safe & Safe app permission settings video. If you're not seeing any messages in the app, but your trips aren't recording as expected, check out these tips:

  • Check for available updates in the App Store or Google Play, and ensure you're logged in to the most recent version of the app.
  • If your phone's hardware is low quality or damaged, that can impact how your trips are recorded.
  • Battery saving options on your phone may be keeping the phone from sending trips to State Farm.
    • For Android, make sure your battery saver/battery optimization is off and the State Farm app is on the "unmonitored apps" list.
    • For iOS, make sure low power mode is not enabled and Background App Refresh is turned on for the State Farm app.
  • Ensure location preference is set to "Always" or "Always Allow". Drive Safe & Save runs in the background to start, record, and stop trips. Setting other than "Always" or "Always Allow" don't always allow the State Farm app to record trips, which could impact the discount.
  • Poor Location quality impacts the phone's ability to determine speed and/or distance and can affect the trip details that are logged. If you regularly drive in a location with poor GPS signal, this may impact trip recording.
  • The trip will appear to be shorter than expected if connectivity to the Bluetooth beacon was lost because Bluetooth was turned off. Leave Bluetooth on at all times while driving.
  • Low phone battery can impact trip recording and Location quality. This can be avoided by plugging in and charging the phone while driving. Keep phone battery life above 20% during trips.
  • The battery in the Bluetooth beacon may be depleted. Check the Bluetooth beacon and make sure that the red light turns on briefly when the small button on the front of the beacon is held down. This may take up to 8 seconds. If not, request a new one online.
  • The Bluetooth beacon may not be paired correctly in the app. Log into the app and tap on the car on the Your Vehicles card to see which beacon is paired to the car. You can compare the ID number on the side of the beacon to the number listed in the app.
  • Poor cellular connection could be preventing trips from sending. If you regularly drive in a location with a poor cellular signal, this may impact trip recording.
  • If phone memory is full, the app will not be able to record trip data and temporarily store it on the phone.
  • If the app is force closed, it may not record trips. Try opening the app again.
  • Try restarting your phone. This is like restarting a computer and allows processes to reset.
  • The Drive Safe & Save enrollment of the car may have changed. Log in to the app. Does it indicate the vehicle is enrolled? If not, contact your State Farm agent.

Your driving characteristics are determined using information recorded by the State Farm app. You may take a trip that the app does not capture, but your discount will still be determined from the trips the app does capture. To get the most from your discount opportunity, ensure as many trips as possible are recorded by bringing your phone on all trips and leaving Bluetooth, Location, and mobile data on.

After trying the above tips, the next trip you take should appear in the app. If it does not, contact us.

The State Farm app uses your information on file to log in. If the last name, driver’s license number, or driver’s license state you entered does not match what’s on file, you’ll receive an error message.

You may update your driver’s license information on the State Farm app or by contacting your State Farm agent.

Phone distraction will appear in the app when these three things happen at the same time:

  1. The vehicle is moving,
  2. The phone recording the trip is moving within the vehicle, and
  3. The phone screen is on.

Some common scenarios that may result in Phone Distraction when the driver isn’t using your phone include:

  • A passenger is using the phone recording the trip.
  • The phone is not secure and moving around while the screen is illuminated. You may consider adjusting your phone settings to reduce times when the phone screen illuminates.

Activities like interacting with a GPS or music app are distracting while driving. Ensure your phone is secure and the screen is not a distraction to the driver.

It's possible you don't have a strong wireless connection.

If your phone's Wi-Fi setting is on and you don't have a strong signal, try moving somewhere with a strong signal or turning off Wi-Fi to send the odometer reading over cellular data.

If your phone's Wi-Fi setting is off and you don't have a strong cellular signal, try moving somewhere with a strong cellular connection or try turning on your Wi-Fi in an area with a strong wireless signal.

If you still need help, you can contact us.

Note: Mileage and odometer readings are excluded from the Drive Safe & Save discount on certain policies in certain states.

If the posted speed limit in the State Farm app does not reflect the most current posted speed limit in an area, you can contact us to request a speed limit review. Please have the following information available from the trip in your State Farm app:

  • Time and date of a trip including the speeding event
  • Timestamp from the trip map when the speeding event occurred
  • Current posted speed limit

Research may take up to 30 days and, if necessary, the speed limit displayed in the app will be updated for all users.

Please note: Some roads have variable speed limits that can depend on weather, construction, traffic, time of day, etc. Speed limit signs in variable speed limit zones may be digital or may display multiple speed limits. In these situations, the app should reflect the higher speed limit. If you feel this was not the case, follow the above instructions to submit a speed limit review. However, we will also need both the lower and upper speed limits and any information about what conditions they are adjusted for (e.g., construction, rush hour, weather, time of day, etc.).

You can tell your Bluetooth beacon is working if the light briefly illuminates when you hold down the button for up to 8 seconds, and your trips appear within the app. If the light does not illuminate, request a new one online.

Just request a new one online.

You must be a named insured (the names you see on your insurance ID card) or additional driver on the auto insurance policy to see the car in the app when logged in.

Additionally, if your policy or payment plan is in a non-pay status, your cars may not appear in the app until the past-due payment has processed.

Please note, if you have recently changed cars, there may be a processing delay before your new car displays.

Contact your State Farm agent for car eligibility and listed driver questions.

If you replace the car on your auto policy, we will ship you another beacon for your new car. Upon shipment, we will send you an email with the tracking information so you can check it at any time. The beacon will typically arrive at your primary mailing address within 10 days. We'll send you another email after it's delivered.

Once you receive the beacon in the mail and the Safe & Save tab in the app shows your new vehicle, you can complete setup. Setup must be completed in the new vehicle to continue the discount.

You can recycle the old beacon anywhere that accepts lithium ion batteries.

If you do not receive your new beacon within 10 days, please order a new one online. 

Note: There may be a processing delay before your new car displays. Once you can see your new car in the app, complete setup with your Bluetooth beacon in your new car.

If you replace your phone, you simply need to download the State Farm app on your new phone and log in. Trips will then record automatically on your new phone once you have all required permission settings enabled.

Mobile Accident Assistance

Accident Assistance is a free feature available to Drive Safe & Save Mobile enrollees through the State Farm app. Once enabled, this feature will offer you assistance during a detected accident.footnote 4 You will have the option to enable the service through the Safe & Save tab in the State Farm app.

When signing up for Accident Assistance, you will be asked to verify that you are logged into the app with your own credentials. It’s important not to share login information with other members of your household. This will ensure the correct individual is contacted during a detected accident. You will also be asked to verify the phone number we have on file for you so we can contact you during a detected accident. Additionally, you will need to enable the notifications permission for the State Farm app for Accident Assistance to function as intended. Once Accident Assistance is enabled, you will be notified if an accident is detected when the app is paired to your beacon during a recorded trip.

When Accident Assistance has been enabled and an accident is detected during a recorded trip, you will receive a notification asking if you’ve been in an accident. You can tap on the notification to respond Yes or No.

If you respond Yes on the first screen, you will be asked if you need an ambulance. If you respond Yes that you need an ambulance, a live representative will call you to verify and assist with connecting you to emergency services. If you’re unable to answer, the live representative will try calling again. If you’re still unable to answer, the location of the detected accident will be provided to law enforcement for a wellness check.footnote 4

If you respond Yes, you’ve had an accident, but No, you don’t need an ambulance, you will have the option to request a tow or file a claim. You’re also able to decline both if neither service are needed at that moment. If you request a tow, a live representative will call to verify.

If you are unable to respond to the initial notification asking if you’ve been in an accident, you will receive an automated call asking if you need assistance. If you’re unable to answer that call, another automated call attempt is made. If you’re still unable to answer, a live representative will make up to two calls before sending law enforcement to the location of the detected accident for a wellness check.

Accident Assistance can be enabled and disabled from the Safe & Save tab in the State Farm app.

Accident Assistance will use the contact information associated with your login credentials. Each individual will need to log in to the app using their own credentials to ensure the correct mobile number is on file and the correct person is contacted in the event an accident is detected.

Accident Assistance is a free feature available to Drive Safe & Save enrollees. For questions about how a claim would impact your premium, contact your State Farm agent.

An accident is detected when all of the below occur:

  • Accident Assistance has been enabled,
  • The State Farm app is recording a trip,
  • The phone sensors combined with the beacon detect forces that indicate an accident, and
  • Driving doesn’t resume soon after the detected accident.

If your trips are not recording, see Why aren't my trips showing up accurately in the app?

If you request a tow through the Accident Assistance feature, a claim will be opened automatically for you.

In all other instances, you will be given the option to start a claim in the app.

Outside of the permissions required for trip recording:

  • Notifications must remain enabled for the State Farm app, and
  • Accident Assistance must be enabled in the State Farm app for each household device that would like to participate in the feature.
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return to reference 1 Discounts may exceed 30% and vary state-to-state (NY capped at 30%). Not available in CA, MA, RI. A discount may not be available in NC depending on individual facts and circumstances. Setup required.

return to reference 2 Setup required.

return to reference 3 Mileage and odometer readings are excluded from the Drive Safe & Save discount on certain policies in certain states.

return to reference 4 Accident Assistance may not detect all accidents and is not a replacement for directly contacting emergency services.

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